This is a user guide for comparing JIRA resources on JIRA cloud, it displays details processes used to compare resources and schemas in the JIRA cloud. The results of the comparison will be displayed in the output page
The process will involve comparing the JIRA resources and schemas in the JIRA cloud. The process starts from the Homepage and inputting the right From the Apps menu on Jira navigation bar, select the compare tool “CJR (compare Jira resource)”.
Choose your hosting type(Cloud, Data Center or Server) and fill in the parameters to generate results for a specified search. Clicking on the “Compare” button will enable the user to have access to the results required.
Process Workflow 1
The user must have access to the JIRA cloud Jira site(instance) to be able to utilise this functionality. The hosting site will be JIRA cloud. The first page will consist of a landing page requesting to choose a hosting type which is displayed on the Introductory Page. From the introductory page the user will be directed to the different pages for the Hosting sites.
2.1 How to use Cloud Hosting site: